Welcome to Colour Theoriez!
Colour Theoriez is your one stop shop for all things art related! This blog mainly focuses on colour theory but also dabbles in art history, art resources, and anything else art related.
This is the first time I've dedicated a webzone to something I like, so I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Be sure to check the buttonz for cool resources while I work on making this webzone the best it can be! Thanks for stopping by!
- Corn
Feb 9, 2023: Added an About section if you want to know who I am! Also I'm playing around with the layout for different pages to indicate different pages. This will come in handy when I start working on the Colour Breakdowns series. I'm also thinking about making a page for the website updates so I don't clog up this section too much as well as a sitemap, but we\ll see if I finish that today or in a few days.
Working on the blog entry Colour Theory Basics - Lesson 1. Progress is at ~12%.
Feb 7, 2023: Added a music player with Mario Paint music, because why not? If the player doesn't work for you, here's some instructions on how you can get it to work. This applies to both tumblr and neocities from what I understand.
Feb 3, 2023: Update to the index page and overall CSS. Credit to @Repth for the theme. Also added the blog,(no entries yet, just the base page), the 404, Resources, and links onto the buttonz.